
Our latest updates

Here we share the latest news and insights from the New Life on the Old West project. Find out more about the latest wildlife enhancements, follow our project team in action and read contributions from our volunteer community and project partners.

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A real buzz at Over ‘Open for Nature’ day

New Life on the Old West rounded off our Open for Nature days…

Little Thetford ‘Open for Nature’ day Success

New life on the Old West hosted the first of their two annual…
Tracey Graves

Migrating warblers

As the migratory warblers head back to warmer climes, we look back at the warblers we’ve seen and heard in the NLOW project area this spring and summer.

Wildlife-friendly activities for Autumn

From identifying fungi species to making a hedgehog hibernation home, here are our ideas for exploring the nature on your doorstep this autumn.
David Bradley

Summer photography competition winners

Take a look at some of the amazing entries to our summer photography competition capturing the wildlife of the Fens.
Sandra Ortuño, Shepreth Wildlife Park

Shepreth’s Scottish wildcats

Discover how Shepreth Wildlife Park is playing a part in the conservation and recovery of Scottish wildcats.